September 15, 2017

South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 - Part V

South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 front view

One of my oldest tanks being almost abandoned to its fate, still manages to keep going with minimal care. The simulation of a South-East Asian small river bank, 6 years after its last depiction.

For the sake of its hardy inhabitants Zebra Loaches and Twin-Band Loaches the aquarium was recently serviced and cleaned. Due to dimmed fluorescent tubes Cryptocorynes prevailed. After changing the Highlite tubes some more plants were added to give some color contrast, together with a school of Harlequin Rasboras to get the aquarium into life again.

August 2017

South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 front/side view

South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 side view

Referenced Species:
Zebra Loach - Botia Striata and Twin Banded Loach - Botia Rostrata
Harlequin Rasbora - Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Relevant Aquascapes:
South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 - Part 1
South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 - Part 2
South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 - Part 3
South East Asia Biotope II - Juwel Rio 180 - Part 4
South East Asia Biotope I - Aquatlantis Aquadream 80 90Lt

Thank you for viewing.
All Photos © 2007-2017 S.C.Vlachos

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